- 2024.04.17Notices
Notice of Capital Reduction Taking Effect
We hereby announce that the reduction of capital stock and capital reserve that was approved at the 12th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on March 28, 2024, has become effective today, April 17, 2024, after a period for creditors to file objections.
The February notice regarding reduction of capital stock and capital reserve is here (Note: Only available in Japanese.)
By transferring the entire amount of capital and capital reserve reduced by this capital reduction to other capital surplus, the Company will implement flexible and agile capital policies and shareholder return measures in the future.
About CELSYS, Inc.
Celsys, with a mission of “Creating a more passionate world,” provides solutions for creative activities through online Clip Studio services and Clip Studio Paint drawing app for illustration, manga, webtoon, and animation production. Celsys supports people all over the world to enjoy creating more and all the experiences that come with it.
For media inquiries
Celsys Media Relations press@celsys.com