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2022.06.24Creation News

More than 90% of creators in 4 European countries interested in making digital art Data from survey of 8,000 European creators

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Celsys, the developer and distributor of drawing app for creators, “Clip Studio Paint,” conducted a survey on the creative activities of 8,000 visual art creators(*1) in four European countries (the UK, France, Germany, and Spain) from November to December 2021. The survey was conducted in the form of an online questionnaire, and responses were received from a total of 2,000 people in each country, with 500 respondents from each age group from 10s to 40s.

The survey showed that 68.4% of creators already used digital equipment, such as computers, graphics tablets, and tablets, and 22.1% answered that they were interested in drawing digitally, for a combined total of more than 90% that were already drawing digitally or would like to.

Digital art remains prevalent even post-Covid
The number of respondents who draw using digital equipment has remained almost unchanged from 67.3% in 2020. In 2020, due to the influence of coronavirus, the use of digital equipment jumped 13 points from the previous year, but from this year’s survey,  it seems that digital art has taken root and is being used continuously. Looking at the results by age group, 70.5% of teenage creators use digital equipment. The group with the lowest adoption is the 40s age group, but it still sits at 65.0%, a difference of only 5 points, indicating little difference between generations (Figure 1).

By gender, 76.1% of men use digital equipment; 15 points higher than women (Figure 2). There are also notable differences between countries, with a 20.8 point gap between Germany, with the highest adoption of digital equipment, and France, with the lowest (Figure 3).

Figure 1: Answers for years 2019 – 2021 (total respondents and per age group)
Q - Do you draw with traditional media or digitally?
(If you draw with media such as pencils, pens, paint, and watercolor, choose traditional. If you draw with digital tools such as a computer, smartphone, or graphics tablet, please choose digital.)

Figure 2: Answers sorted by gender

Figure 3: Answers sorted by country

More than 70% own a computer
The survey asked about which devices creators own. More than 70% of creators answered that they have access to a computer, and only 3.1% answered that they do not own any equipment (Figure 4).

Figure 4
Indicate all devices that you use or have access to at home.

Drawing on smartphones
In addition to dedicated drawing equipment such as display tablets, digital painting is also possible on tablets and smartphones in recent years. When asked what parts of their process they did on smartphones, creators answered that they edited images for posting online, made notes, drew sketches, added to photos, or created videos and  animations. 16.7% of respondents answered that they draw illustrations completely on their smartphone from start to finish (Figure 5).

Figure 5
Q - What do you do with your smartphone? Please choose all that apply to you. (multiple response)

High interest in trying digital art
The survey also asked creators who don’t draw digitally about their reasons and their feelings about trying digital art in the future. More than half answered that they do not have equipment, do not know how to do it, or that digital art costs money. While it seems that there are some reasons that cannot be overcome just by owning equipment, about 70% of creators answered that they would like to try digital art in the future (Figure 6). Combined with the creators who already make art digitally, this totals to 90% of creators with a positive approach to digital art (Figure 7). Digital art is likely to become even more common in the future, further spreading to all types of creators.

Figure 6
Q - If you only draw using traditional media, do you want to draw digitally?

Figure 7
Q - Do you want to draw digitally? (As a % of all respondents)

Figure 8
If you only draw using traditional media, why do you not draw with digital tools?

The survey found that while the progress of digital art due to the coronavirus pandemic has taken root and digital production has become more widespread, there are varying levels of change by gender and country. It is important that many people enjoy drawing and creating regardless of whether they work traditionally or digitally, but when creating art for professional purposes using traditional methods, there can be some issues such as the need for space and the cost of a complete set of art materials. On the other hand, while digital art used to require high-performance equipment, graphics tablets and software, as well as a degree of computer literacy, nowadays many people already own suitable equipment in the form of smartphones and tablet devices. As the awareness of existing equipment and low-cost apps becomes more widespread, digital art is becoming an accessible option for art that more and more people can easily try.

Celsys will continue to nurture an environment that supports digital art, such as providing easy-to-use drawing apps, content to help people learn more about digital art, and places for creators to interact with each other.

Celsys has been supporting creators globally in the production of digital art using its technology for more than 30 years.

Celsys provides apps and services to support content creation, with its drawing app “Clip Studio Paint” used by more than 20 million people(*2) worldwide for the creation of illustrations, comics, Webtoon, and animation. Available on PC, tablet, and smartphone, the app offers a full-featured drawing experience on all devices. Celsys supports creators in publishing their artwork by holding contests such as the International Comic/Manga School Contest and International Illustration Contest. 

*1 People who answered that they had drawn in the last 30 days
*2 Includes free trial users and downloads of the iPad, iPhone, Galaxy, Android, and Chromebook versions.

Survey Method
This survey was conducted online by MADE IN SURVEYS (France, https://en.misgroup.io/) between November 5–December 23, 2021, with a total of 8,353 respondents in four countries: the UK, France, Germany, and Spain.
Breakdown of respondents:
UK: 2,128 total respondents (13–19 age group: 536; 20–29 age group: 533; 30–39 age group: 534; 40–49 age group: 525)
France: 2,120 total respondents (13–19 age group: 533; 20–29 age group: 538; 30–39 age group: 539; 40–49 age group: 510)
Germany: 2,001 total respondents (13–19 age group: 481; 20–29 age group: 503; 30–39 age group: 509; 40–49 age group: 508)
Spain: 2,104 total respondents (13–19 age group: 521; 20–29 age group: 523; 30–39 age group: 525; 40–49 age group: 535)

Similar studies conducted in 2019 and 2020 were used to draw comparisons with 2021.
The 2020 survey was conducted online by MADE IN SURVEYS (France, https://en.misgroup.io/) between October 2–December 18, 2020, with a total of 10,555 respondents in four countries: the UK, France, Germany, and Spain.
Breakdown of respondents:
UK: 2,545 total respondents (13–19 age group: 1,035; 20–29 age group: 485; 30–39 age group: 520; 40–49 age group: 505)
France: 2,676 total respondents (13–19 age group: 1,096; 20–29 age group: 530; 30–39 age group: 532; 40–49 age group: 518)
Germany: 2,627 total respondents (13–19 age group: 1,080; 20–29 age group: 528; 30–39 age group: 517; 40–49 age group: 502)
Spain: 2,707 total respondents (13–19 age group: 1,076; 20–29 age group: 536; 30–39 age group: 502; 40–49 age group: 593)

The 2019 survey was conducted online by MADE IN SURVEYS (France, https://en.misgroup.io/) with a total of 16,145 respondents in four countries: the UK, France, Germany, and Spain.
Breakdown of respondents:
United Kingdom (June 5–July 5, 2019): 4,090 total respondents (13–19 age group: 1,017; 20–29 age group: 1,021; 30–39 age group: 1,027; 40–49 age group: 1,025)
France (December 28, 2018–February 6, 2019): 4,000 total respondents (13–19 age group: 1,000; 20–29 age group: 1,000; 30–39 age group: 1,000; 40–49 age group: 1,000)
Germany (April 11–June 20, 2019): 4,010 total respondents (13–19 age group: 1,005; 20–29 age group: 1,003; 30–39 age group: 1,000; 40–49 age group: 1,002)
Spain (May 20–June 10, 2019): 4,045 total respondents (13–19 age group: 1,004; 20–29 age group: 1,020; 30–39 age group: 1,013; 40–49 age group: 1,008)

Celsys continues to support creators to create artistic content with digital technology.
Celsys provides solutions for content creation, distribution, and browsing, including support of creative activities through the “Clip Studio Paint” app for illustration, manga and animation production, as well as the “Clip Studio” web service, and the “Clip Studio Reader” e-book solution.

Corporate site: https://www.celsys.co.jp/en/
Clip Studio Paint site: https://www.clipstudio.net/en/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clipstudioofficial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clipstudiopaint
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celsys.clipstudiopaint/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CLIPSTUDIOPAINTchannel

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