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Celsys’s Sustainability

Basic Sustainability Policy

Our mission (our daily duty) is “Creating a more passionate world,” and our vision (the future we want to realize) is “The world is more vibrant when everyone’s passions are connected.” Celsys conducts its corporate activities based on these principles. In addition to supporting creators who engage in creative activities, we aim to enhance corporate value and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by expanding people’s passions worldwide through the content created, and fostering new communities and connections that transcend generations, borders, and cultures.

Kei Narushima, President

1. Our Approach to Sustainability and Related Initiatives

Celsys views addressing sustainability-related challenges not only as a means of reducing risks but also as an important management issue that can lead to revenue opportunities. From the perspective of enhancing corporate value over the medium-to-long term, we have established the following basic sustainability policy to actively and energetically tackle these challenges.

2. Governance

In January 2024, Celsys newly established the Sustainability Committee as a subordinate organization of the Board of Directors through a board resolution. The purpose of this committee is to focus on discussing and promoting our medium- to long-term sustainability strategy. The committee is chaired by the President, and its members include internal directors and division heads. Sustainability policies and measures are primarily driven by each division, and the progress of these initiatives is reported to the Board of Directors through the Sustainability Committee as necessary.

3. Strategy

(1) Overall Sustainability

Based on Celsys’s values (three values that drive passion), what we want to become, and an analysis of risks and opportunities involved in realizing them, we have identified materiality as key themes that the entire Celsys must prioritize for action. The materiality was approved at the Sustainability Committee meeting held in January 2024.
The “three values that drive passion” are as follows:

Materiality and Themes for Action Toward Realizing the Celsys’s Vision

(2) Policies on Human Resource Development, Including Ensuring Diversity, and Internal Environment Development

Celsys recognizes the importance of human resource development, including ensuring diversity, and internal environment development as stated in the materiality related to support for employee success, “supporting ease of work and growth in a flat organization.”

Basic Policies on Human Resource Development and Internal Environment Development

In today’s rapidly evolving era of technology, innovative organizations and individuals that can think flexibly without being bound by conventional wisdom are in high demand. Within this context, one of the key themes of Celsys’s human resource development is how to increase growth opportunities where individuals can leverage their strengths to take on and complete challenges. We aim for each employee to perform their work with passion and enjoyment while enhancing their professional expertise and technical skills.

We strive to expand our services both domestically and internationally, aiming to foster connections that transcend generations, borders, and cultures through diverse “creations.” It is therefore crucial to create a flat organizational climate in the workplace. In addition to supporting employees through various systems and initiatives, we will cultivate an organizational climate where each employee is encouraged to harness and complement one another’s strengths.

Organizational Climate Reform
Celsys believes that philosophy-based management forms the foundation for creating a culture that evolves the organization. As part of our efforts toward organizational climate reform, in 2023, we redefined our philosophy system, which consists of our mission, vision, and values. Building upon this, we formulated a management policy aimed at implementing philosophy-based management.

Recruitment and Development of Inventive Engineers
Celsys believes that the most important aspect of recruitment is hiring individuals who resonate with our philosophy and possess a deep understanding and respect for creative culture. To support the development of technical skills and growth, we have held internal technical study sessions and institutionalized a quarterly evaluation system to provide swift feedback on performance. Additionally, Celsys places emphasis on nurturing the next generation of talent, beyond just recruitment activities. Our industry-academia collaboration initiatives with universities have contributed to the recruitment of engineers.

Promoting Diverse Talent and Supporting Various Workstyles
We prioritize designing organizations that thoughtfully combine individuals to generate new positive synergies. In terms of living places and workstyles, we operate flexible systems, and in April 2024, we introduced a new flextime system.

4. Risk Management

The Sustainability Committee manages risks related to promoting sustainability. Each division, in coordination with the Risk and Compliance Committee as necessary, drives the identification of individual risks and the formulation of response policies, which are then reported to the Sustainability Committee. The Sustainability Committee, in turn, reports these risks to the Board of Directors when necessary.

5. Indicators and Targets

(1) Overall Sustainability

We consider the following to be the monitoring indicators related to the materiality described in the strategy. For monitoring indicators that require targets to advance our initiatives, we will consider setting these targets in the future.


Themes for action

Monitoring indicators

Theme (1) Business Development
Delivering the best user experience in the creation market

・Acquiring new customers by offering unmatched solutions
・Giving shape quickly to new ideas
・Providing easy-to-use services whenever needed

・Number of creator members
・Number of subscription contracts

Theme (2) Support for Creators & Audiences
Connecting the world through creation

・Providing a creative community where creators can express themselves
・Creating the optimal environment for creators to engage in creative activities
・Gaining user trust through enhanced support

・Total number of units shipped
・Overseas ratio

Theme (3) Support for Employee Success
Supporting ease of work and growth in a flat organization

・Fostering an organizational climate that values individual strengths
・Developing and recruiting inventive engineers
・Promoting diverse talent and supporting various workstyles

・Ratio of female managers
・Ratio of engineers
・Ratio of foreign employees

Theme (4) Reduction of Environmental Impact Through Business
Accelerating positive environmental impact through digital support for creative activities

・Minimizing the Company’s negative environmental impact
・Creating positive environmental impact through creative activities

・The Company’s GHG emissions
・Resource usage

Theme (5) Achievement of Sustainable Management
Promoting management that realize the MVV

・Establishing an effective governance structure
・Governance driven by corporate culture

・Board of Directors attendance rate

(2) Policy on Human Resource Development, Including Ensuring Diversity, and Internal Environment Development

Regarding ensuring the diversity of human capital, we continue proactive recruitment activities that do not depend on gender, nationality, or age. This includes actively promoting exceptional talent, including mid-career employees, to management positions. While believing that a certain number of female and foreign managers has been secured, we consider it important to increase their ratio through the planned development and promotion of core personnel. Furthermore, we are working to create an environment where all employees, with their diverse personalities and values, can find fulfillment in their work and have workstyles that align with their personal lifestyles and life stages, regardless of gender or age. Specifically, we have implemented initiatives such as the introduction of remote work, the adoption of a flextime system, and the introduction and promotion of various leave systems, including childcare leave.

Basic Information on Diversity



Remarks (Scope of Data Collection)

Number of employees by gender

Male: 157, Female: 126
Total: 283

Consolidated; including temporary employees and those on leave

Status of new graduate employees and mid-career employees

New graduate: Male: 40, Female: 13
Mid-career: Male:117, Female: 113


Gender pay gap



Average length of service

Male: 6 years and 11 months,
Female: 5 years and 0 months
Average for all employees: 6 years and 1 month


Ratio of female managers



Ratio of female officers


Non-consolidated; including Corporate Officers

Number of foreign employees

33 (Percentage of total: 11.7%)


Ratio of foreign managers



Basic Information on Childcare Leave and Paid Leave



Remarks (Scope of Data Collection)

Paid leave utilization rate


Data collection period: April 2022 - March 2023

Female childcare leave utilization rate


Data collection period: January 2023 - December 2023

Male childcare leave utilization rate


Data collection period: January 2023 - December 2023

*From the March 2024 securities report

6. Response to Climate Change (Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations)

(1) Approach to Climate Change

Celsys recognizes that contributing to the realization of a sustainable society and enhancing corporate value over the medium-to-long term are important management issues. In line with our basic sustainability policy, we are actively and proactively addressing these issues. In particular, regarding sustainability challenges related to climate change, we are organizing our approach and advancing initiatives in accordance with each theme of TCFD information disclosure.

(2) Governance

To promote sustainability initiatives, including those related to climate change, Celsys has established the Sustainability Committee. Under the supervision of the President, who serves as the committee chair, this committee examines action policies related to sustainability, including climate change, and reports progress to the Board of Directors as necessary. The Board of Directors deliberates on the reported content accordingly.

(3) Strategy

Celsys has identified “accelerating positive environmental impact through digital support for creative activities” as the materiality related to reduction of environmental impact through business. We consider addressing environmental challenges, including climate change, important. Accordingly, Celsys has been conducting scenario analyses in line with TCFD recommendations to understand the impact of climate change-related transition risks and physical risks on our business activities and to consider and formulate a business strategy that can respond to uncertain future conditions.

In the scenario analysis conducted this time, we considered two scenarios: a 4°C scenario, where the global temperature rises by 4°C compared to pre-industrial levels, and a 1.5°C scenario, where efforts are made to keep the temperature rise below 2°C, centering around 1.5°C. We qualitatively examined and analyzed risks and opportunities related to climate change as of 2030 under these scenarios. Going forward, we plan to conduct quantitative analyses to further visualize the impact on our business.


4℃ scenario

1.5℃ scenario


・A world where the global average temperature rises by approx. 4°C compared to pre-industrial levels by 2100
・Government policies and regulations addressing climate change remain at current levels
・The physical impact of chronic weather changes and disasters caused by extreme weather increases

・A world where the global average temperature rise is kept to approx. 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels by 2100
・Governments actively implement policies and regulations aimed at transitioning to a decarbonized society to combat climate change

Reference scenarios

IEA WEO 2023/2019 STEPS
 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report RCP8.5

IEA WEO 2023/2019 NZE/SDS
 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report RCP2.6

4°C Scenario Analysis
In the analysis under the 4°C scenario, we have identified the potential for an increased risk of damage to our bases due to the intensification and increased frequency of extreme weather events. If a base is damaged, losses are expected to occur due to business shutdowns and damage to assets. Therefore, we plan to explore quantitative analysis moving forward.

1.5°C Scenario Analysis
In the analysis under the 1.5°C scenario, we have identified substantial potential impacts on our operations due to the transition to a decarbonized society, including the imposition of carbon taxes, rising electricity prices driven by increased demand for renewable energy, and various policies and regulations related to renewable energy and energy conservation. We plan to conduct a quantitative analysis of how these risks may affect the Company in the future.

On the other hand, we anticipate that efforts toward a decarbonized society may lead to increased demand for energy-saving and resource-efficient products. Providing products that meet such demand has been identified as an opportunity for the Company. Going forward, we will promote initiatives aimed at reducing environmental impact through our business to “accelerate positive environmental impact.”

Risk items

Time of materialization

Financial impact (qualitative)





Carbon pricing (carbon tax)

A carbon tax will be imposed on the CO2 emissions from Scope 1 and 2 business activities, leading to an increase in running costs.

Medium to long term


Carbon emission targets/policies

Investment costs for zero-emission and resilience enhancement projects of data centers will be passed on to service fees, increasing costs.

Short to long term



Renewable energy policies

With the strengthening of renewable energy policies, if renewable energy systems are installed in rental properties, the investment costs will be reflected in rental fees, increasing costs.

Medium to long term



Changes in energy costs

Rising demand for renewable energy and the costs of capital expenditures will lead to higher electricity prices, increasing running costs.

Medium to long term


Changes in reputation among investors

If environmental information disclosure is inadequate, concerns about climate resilience may lead to reduced investment, making it difficult to secure financing.

Medium to long term




Intensification of extreme weather

(typhoons, heavy rain, landslides, storm surges, etc.)

Increased severity of weather disasters may lead to damage to company bases or disruption of supply chains, resulting in losses due to business shutdowns or reduced sales.

Medium to long term



An increase in disasters will lead to higher fire insurance premiums, resulting in increased costs.

Short to long term




Carbon emission targets/policies

The demand for applications and software that consume less energy during use will increase.

Medium to long term



Forest protection policies

As paperless practices advance from the perspective of protecting forest resources that sequester CO2, the demand for software in creative fields such as manga and illustration will further grow. Additionally, the demand for and usage of digital content will also increase.

Short to long term



Spread of renewable energy and energy-saving technologies

As more energy-efficient devices become widespread, sales of licenses for applications installed on those devices will increase.

Medium to long term



Changes in customer behavior

As the market demands GHG emission reductions throughout product life cycles, sales of intangible goods with low life-cycle GHG emissions will increase.

Medium to long term



Definition of time of materialization: “Short term” means 0-3 years; “Medium term” means 4-10 years; and “Long term” means 11-30 years.
Definition of financial impact: “Large” means significant impact on the business; “Medium” means impact on part of the business; “Small” means minimal impact on the business; and “―” means no impact.

(4) Risk Management

Celsys identifies and assesses climate-related risks through the Sustainability Committee. Each division involved with the identified risks and opportunities implements and promotes measures to address them. The Sustainability Committee monitors the progress of these initiatives and manages climate-related risks. Matters concerning these risks are reported to the Board of Directors by the Sustainability Committee as necessary.
Additionally, climate-related risks identified and assessed by the Sustainability Committee are integrated with other risks in coordination with the Risk and Compliance Committee.

(5) Indicators and Targets

Celsys has calculated the GHG emissions resulting from our business activities, with the results as follows:



GHG emissions [tCO2]








Total of Scope 1 and 2*


*1: Scope 1 + Scope 2 (Market-based)

Moving forward, we will consider setting reduction targets for Scope 1 and 2 emissions, as well as calculating and setting reduction targets for Scope 3, in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
