WEB Marketer

Yo Miki
Joined Celsys mid-career - Marketing Promotion Department
Current role
- How did you join Celsys?
I joined because I’ve enjoyed drawing manga when I was a student, so I’m a big fan of Clip Studio Paint. I also enjoy interacting with creators from around the world, and have spent several months in Singapore and Malaysia teaching how to draw manga. I joined the company to use my experiences and language skills to help make Clip Studio popular around the world.
- What kind of work do you do?
Currently, as part of the marketing team, I work on managing content for our owned media, managing our social media accounts, responding to external inquiries, and checking books published about our software.
- What motivates you at work?
When we post a video for our overseas social media accounts introducing a feature of Clip Studio Paint, it gets a huge reaction from our overseas users and potential users. That's a very rewarding moment.
- What would you like to work on in the future?
I’d like the opportunity to use my language skills, including a TOEIC score of 890, to go overseas and directly hear from our overseas users. I’d also like to reach more potential users through evangelist activities. We have a company culture that’s open to considering new ideas, so I think we have many opportunities.
*Stated information as at the date the contents being made.-
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WEB Marketer
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Working in my own style with gusto!