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User Support (joined as new graduate in 2022)

Yuka Ishizuka

― What kind of work do you do? What is the composition of the team and how are the roles assigned?
I’m in the Customer Support Department and I mainly handle inquiries received from Clip Studio Support. Within the customer team I mainly help users with questions on how to use Clip Studio Paint and inquiries about licenses and subscriptions.
We also have a technical team in charge of Clip Studio Paint functions and operation-related inquiries, and a web operations support team that mainly handles inquiries about Clip Studio Assets and manages submitted content.

― How did you hear about Celsys and what made you decide to join us?
I looked at a wide variety of industries when I was job hunting, but I wanted to have a job where I put my drawing hobby to use. So I looked into what company developed the app I normally use, Clip Studio Paint, and found out about Celsys.
I was interested in a job that supported people from behind the scenes, so I applied for User Support as a new graduate. The two interviewers for my first interview are now my general and section manager, but they created a relaxed atmosphere and answered my questions in detail. I remember that I enjoyed the conversation more than any other interview I had. I was interviewing with other companies, but I realized I really wanted to work with these people and could see myself here for many years. I am very grateful that Celsys gave me the opportunity, so I joined the company.

― What do you focus on in your work?
Since we communicate by e-mail, I try to understand the customer's background from the content of the inquiry and tailor my response to each user.
As the Customer Support Department directly communicates with users, we always keep in mind that our responses are linked to the users’ impression of Celsys.
Sometimes I ask my seniors to check and revise my answer drafts, and I learn a lot from that. I try to reference their corrections with my wording and structure the next time I write my own response... However, I am still learning.
Also, while this is a given, I also make sure that I have the correct service name before I send my responses.

― What do you find challenging and enjoyable about your work?
It’s our job to resolve the inquiries, so when the issue is resolved and I receive warm messages from users saying thanks or that they’ll continue to use our services, it makes me very happy.
Also, when I see people really using Clip Studio Paint on social media, I feel motivated knowing that with my work I am helping users who are creating wonderful works of art from behind the scenes.

― What kind of work style and company culture does Celsys have?
I get the impression that everyone is working in their element with their unrestricted sense of hairstyle and clothing. I learned that Celsys provides the freedom to choose one’s hairstyle and clothing from the manager interview I found from Celsys’ corporate site when I was looking for a job.
However, due to the pandemic at the time, my interview was done remotely and the only people I met during the application process were two senior managers and the president. I was skeptical about the freedom to choose hairstyle and clothing, but when I went to the office for the first time, I was surprised to find it was true when I saw employees with blonde and blue hair wearing their favorite clothing.

In addition, we are provided with monitors and other peripheral equipment for our work, and we are able to communicate via chat even when working remotely, so I have not experienced any particular inconvenience while doing my work.

ー What do you want to do or achieve at Celsys in the future?
I want to increase the number of fans for Celsys’ services.
I believe that customer support is a team that supports our services behind the scenes and is a connecting bridge between users and Celsys. I share feedback I receive from users within the company, and with the cooperation of other departments, I want to fulfill my job to provide better service to our users!

― Finally, please give a message for current students.
I think that job hunting is one of the biggest choices you will make in your life.
I know that there will be times when things don’t go your way and that you’ll feel anxious when you compare yourself to others, but please take breaks and do your best so that you have no regrets!

Note: Stated information is as of the time of publication.

Graduates and Interns

*Link is in Japanese