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Educational Institutions:Case Studies

California Department of Education’s Arts, Media, and Entertainment (AME) Initiative


Providing Clip Studio Paint DEBUT (6-month Ver.) to 2 million students and teachers in 1,600 high schools across California, USA

(August 2020)

Through the California Department of Education Arts, Media, and Entertainment (AME) Initiative, Celsys provided Clip Studio Paint DEBUT (6-month Ver.), the standard in digital painting tools, to 2 million students and teachers in 1,600 high schools across California, free of charge.

AME is a non-profit organization established with the California Department of Education's assistance to support students who aspire to jobs in California's booming creative industry. The program provides students with the general knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to pursue their desired profession in line with the Career Technical Education (CTE) model curriculum guidelines specific to each occupational field as defined by the California Department of Education. In 2019, the program was provided to approximately 230,000 students, the largest in the CTE field.

AME Information

Clip Studio Paint DEBUT is a painting software with many useful features and a natural, smooth drawing feel. It is suitable for all kinds of digital creation and easy even for beginners to use. Many professional creators use the pro versions of Clip Studio Paint (Clip Studio Paint PRO and Clip Studio Paint EX), making them ideal digital tools that young creators can learn now for use later in their careers.

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